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Activities and Panel Discussions (Final List)

(All information is subject to change at any time up to, during and even after the convention.)

MEET THE PROS –- All our Pros will be on hand to introduce themselves and give you the chance to meet them personally.
Fri 730p-9p, Avondale 3 & 4.

CHARITY AUCTION -- Beneficiary is Children First Academy. 100% of proceeds will be given to the beneficiary. This live voice auction will include a variety of items: books, games, toys, collectible items. It’s always a lot of fun. Come and bid often…and bid high!
Sat 5p-630p, Avondale 4. Charity Auction Director: Catherine Book. Close-out/payment is 630p-7p.


SPECIAL EFFECTS MAKEUP –- Special Effects Artist will discuss her background, how to be certified in SPFX (get a job), secrets behind building a cosplay label and makeup company, special SPFX techniquest that you won’t learn in school, secrets behind a successful haunted house and bringing SPFX to the community.
Casey Kaki. Sat Noon-1p, Avondale 4

AUTOGRAPHING – in Merchants Room

Colette Black - Sat 2p-3p
Gini Koch - Sat 130p-230p
Gini Koch - Sun 1p-2p
Jeff Mariotte -Sat Noon-1p
Erin Quinn - Sat 11a-Noon
Marsheila Rockwell - Sat Noon-1p
Mark Rude -Sat 4p-5p
Sharon Skinner - Sun 11a-Noon
TL Smith - Sat 3p-4p
Michael Stackpole - Fri 6p-7p
Michael Stackpole - Sat 4p-5p
Arabella Thorne - Sun 130p-230p
T.M. Williams - Sat 3p-4p


Fri 930p - ?,Avondale 4
Sat 1030p - ?, Avondale 4

Leslie Fish
Sat 130p-230p, Avondale 3

Mark Horning
Sat 1230p-130p, Avondale 3

Sun 230p-?, Avondale 4


GAME DESIGN - Round table discussion
See sched. in gaming area - Ken St. Andre, JB Talbott, Rick Loomis, Jason Youngdale

FOCUS ON THE GAME MASTER - Round table discussion
See sched. in gaming area - Ken St. Andre, JB Talbott, Rick Loomis, Jason Youngdale


CLASSIC SF –- What makes a classic? And what’s the life span of a classic? Nothing lasts forever…what can you think of that was long accepted as a classic but no one thinks of now?
Sat 9p-10p, Avondale 4. Sue Martin, Randall Whitlock. Edward Pulley (moderator)

CTHULHU MYTHOS -- Which was more terrifying? The original Cthulhu Mythos where humans are helpless before uncaring & indifferent entities from the great beyond or Modified Cthulhu Mythos where there are more direct and more graphic monsters. Did the later authors water down the horror?
Sun 10a-11a, Avondale 4. Hal Astell (moderator), Mike Griffin

LEGENDS & FOLKLORE OF ENGLAND, SCOTLAND & IRELAND -- These countries and cultures are a treasure trove of ideas and inspirations for writers. Debe Branning has spent time in these places over the past five years looking for haunted locations and searching for the Loch Ness monster, Dracula, Jack the Ripper, and kissing the legendary Blarney stone to gain the gift of gab. Come see what she has to share.
Sat 1p-2p, Avondale 4. Debe Branning

MEET OUR GUEST: GINI KOCH –- Sixty undiluted minutes of pure Gini Koch. If there’s anything you want to know or even need to know about her works or her, now’s the time to ask.
Sat 3p-430p, Avondale 4. Hal Astell-Moderator

MIXING YOUR GENRES -- Hey, there's SF in my mystery! And romance in my SF! Why is this happening? And is it good for the SF genre?
Fri 9p-10p, Boardroom. Erin Quinn, T.L. Smith

SOCIAL ETHICS OF WAR USING TECH -- If we make war like a video game using drones and remotely controlled robotic tanks will we lose track of the true horror of it all?
Sat 11a-Noon, Avondale 3. Colette Black, Mark Horning (moderator)

WHAT IS A REAL BOOK? -- Can ebooks replace the feel of a good solid book and the joy of page turning? More importantly, does it really matter? Isn’t the story the point? The next couple of generations will perceive literature far differently than some of us do.
Sun 1p-2p, Avondale 3. Mark Rude, Michael Stackpole, T.M. Williams. Edward Pulley (moderator)

WITCHES ARE GROWING UP –- Witches have slowly evolved from warts, brooms and black cats into sleek, sexy, complex people with principles and missions. Is Deborah Harkness the harbinger of the next generation of witches in literature?
Fri 6p-7p, Boardroom. Colette Black, Sharon Skinner


APOCALYPTIC FILMS -- When Worlds Collide, The Time Machine, Soylent Green, The Day After, Armageddon, I Am Legend: every decade examines, in film, the end of life as we know it. The current trend is towards the topic of contagion as the method of our demise. What might be the next trendy apocalypse?
Fri 6p-7p, Avondale 4. Hal Astell (moderator), Mark Rude

ARROW -- Another mature treatment of a favorite DC hero – but does it have the power to stay the course? Do you think Oliver Queen’s evolving character will continue to have appeal?
Sat 10a-11a, Avondale 3. Brian Duncan, Jenny Duncan

BARRY BARD'S AT THE MOVIES -- This is a favorite convention event where you will get a sneak peak at trailers for some exciting new upcoming movies. After the trailer presentation we will hold a raffle for FREE movie promotional material (T-shirts, hats, special posters and whatever else the studios have sent us). Sponsored by (Central Arizona Speculative Fiction Society). CASFS’ purpose is to promote interest in science fiction, fantasy and science.
Sun Noon-2pm, Avondale 4. Len Berger, Mark Boniece, Richard Bolinski

FAIRY TALES –- This looks like the next big thing from Hollywood both on TV and at the theatre. But can we expect anything original or just a bunch of reboots? Hollywood must think the public wants this – do we? Disney is counting on it. And what about fractured fairy tales, such as Once Upon a Time?
Fri 5p-6p, Avondale 3. Jenny Duncan, Sue Martin

FILM FESTIVAL I -- This set will run around ninety minutes and feature films from multiple countries. Watch what happens when you trust in a post-apocalyptic world in Bonnie Sowle's Arizona short, 'Closed Quarters'. Discover what's going on behind the deceptive 'Bar Talk' in Lowell Northrop's adaptation of a Joe R Lansdale story. Find out what happens when you assume in Justin O'Neal Miller's cloning story, 'Redemption'.
Fri 930p-1130p, Avondale 3. Hal Astell

FILM FESTIVAL II –- My personal favorite feature film of all time, Peter Jackson's debut, 'Bad Taste'. It's a gory but comedic tale of what happens when aliens decide that human flesh is the new taste sensation and they package up a New Zealand township into cardboard boxes to take back to space and make into burgers. Tasked with fighting for the human race are a misfit band of Kiwis with personality disorders. Made over three years on weekends with a bunch of mates, 'Bad Taste' is where Peter Jackson learned much of the art of filmmaking that he put to use in later work, but without a fraction of the budget. You won't see the magic effects of the 'Lord of the Rings' movies here, but you'll see just as much glorious imagination.
Sat 830p-1030p, Avondale 3. Hal Astell

FILMS THAT DISTURB -- What disturbs people? Most movies depend on blood, gore, & violence. Others use extreme suspense that keeps you waiting and terrified without graphic depictions. Which is more effective, and true to the meaning of horror?
Sat 2p-3p, Avondale 4. Hal Astell (moderator), T.M. Williams

MARVEL OWNS HOLLYWOOD –- it sure looks like Marvel comics has taken over the film industry. Are we happy with the latest treatments? What hero/heroine do you want to see next? And could it be done effectively? With CGI, anything is possible…
Sat 5p-6p, Avondale 3. Mike Griffin, Mark Rude

STAR TREK FAN FILMS -- Recent years have seen an explosion of Star Trek fan films, many of which involve Hollywood veteran writers, directors, actors, and special effects folks. Join members of the United Federation of Phoenix to review the history of ST fan films, and see clips of some of the latest films!
Sat 11a-Noon, Avondale 4. Kim Smith, Dave Williams

STAR TREK: Who’s Your Captain? -- Members of the United Federation of Phoenix will discuss their favorite Star Trek’s captains, including a discussion of the latest happenings from the Star Trek Universe.
Sat 4p-5p, Avondale 3. Kim Smith, Dave Williams

WALKING DEAD -- A surprise hit from AMC that is still going strong. What is the key to their success? How well (or badly) do you think they are managing the source material – the comicbooks?
Sun 11a-Noon, Avondale 3. Brian Duncan

READINGS - In Board Room

Colette Black - Sat 130p-2p
Gini Koch - Sat 1p-130p
Gini Koch - Sun 1230p-1p
Erin Quinn - Sat 1030a-11a
Sharon Skinner - Sun 130p-2p
Michael Stackpole - Sun 1130a-Noon
Arabella Thorne - Sun 1p-130p


ASTEROIDS! -- Near-Earth asteroids are dangerous little buggers, one will cause an extinction event at some point. Dr. Dave will discuss the situation, planned telescopes that will make us aware of objects that are not visible, and what the heck we might do about it, if something nasty is spotted.
Sat 10a-11a, Avondale 4. Dr. David Williams

EXCESSIVE COMPUTERIZATIONS? -- Everything is computerized these days. This includes dumb things like fireplaces, crockpots, talking shopping carts, cigarettes, Christmas ornaments, and more. Does this take the simple joy out of life? Computers always break - is this a thinly veiled attempt at universal planned obsolescence? We’ll get to the bottom of the conspiracy!
Fri 8p-9p, Boardroom. Mike Griffin, Mark Horning (moderator), Randall Whitlock

EXPLORING EXOPLANETS -- Strange New Worlds Beyond Our Solar System: What kinds of planets exist beyond our Solar System? Join Professor David Williams from ASU’s School of Earth & Space Exploration for a discussion of the results obtained from both telescopes and NASA’s Kepler astrophysics mission, to discover the wonderful diversity of the strange, new worlds orbiting other stars in our galaxy. NASA UPDATE - Dr. Dave will take you through his update of all the current and future NASA missions.
Sun 10a-11a, Avondale 3. Dr. David Williams

EXPLORING THE SOLAR SYSTEM -- Join Professor David Williams from ASU’s School of Earth & Space Exploration for his annual review of the least results from NASA’s robotic missions exploring the Solar System, with a look ahead at next year’s missions to dwarf planets Ceres and Pluto.
Sat 3p-4p, Avondale 3. Dr. David Williams

FUTURESOUNDS: THE SCIENCE OF SOUND -- Dr. Emmett Plant will have a wide ranging presentation that covers everything from the basics of sound through composing, producing and delivering sound in the modern era. Includes explanations of how some of our favorite tunes and sound effects are created. Includes the Dr. Who theme, Daleks, Cylons, Blasters, etc.
Sat 7p-8p, Avondale 3. Dr. Emmett Plant

STAR PARTY! -- A fun event where multiple high-end telescopes will be set up ready to see visible planets, with experts on hand to explain everything. There will also be an inside part of the Star Party with food and drink.
Sat 8pm-?, Parking lot on South side of building. Phoenix Astronomical Society


LEATHERWORKING FOR FOLKS who don't like Leatherworking -- Discussion and demonstration of shortcuts for leatherwork plus the twenty different fasteners.
Sat 4p-5p, Boardroom. Bob Beckwith

STEAMPUNK FASCINATORS -- In this workshop we will create lovely hair accessories to add to your steampunk collection. Fascinators were highly popular hair pins worn for special occasions during the late 1800's. $15 per person, cash only, limited to 20 participants.
Sat 6p-7p, Boardroom. Dee Astell

STEAMPUNK HOLSTERS -- Attendees at the workshop will put together and decorate a leather holster suitable for a Steampunk hand weapon. $15 per person, cash only, limited to 20 participants.
Sat 7p-9p, Boardroom. Bob Beckwith

STEAMPUNK WEAPONS -- Decorate your own Steampunk gun, rub-n-buff class! Gun, rub-n-buff, and decorative do-dads will be provided in the supplies. $10 per person, cash only, limited to 15 participants.
Sat 5p-6p, Boardroom. Dee Astell


DEVELOP A CHARACTER VOICE -- Authorss Sharon Skinner and T.M. Williams are known for 'listening' to their characters. How has this helped develop memorable characters that pop off the page? It's important that characters stand out but don't become cliched. (Unless that's what you're going for) Join the discussion on what makes a memorable character unique, real, and why it's important that your MC isn't the only one the reader remembers. You'll also get to hear which characters gave these authors the most trouble and why it worked out for the best.
Sun 2p-3p, Avondale 3. Sharon Skinner, T.M. Williams

DOES IT MATTER WHERE WE PUBLISH? -- Beware the vanity press! Establishing your book as print-on-demand minimizes the danger as the readers pay (as they should). How do self-published authors get respect from both readers and major publishing houses?
Sun 11a-Noon, Boardroom. Gini Koch, Mark Rude, T.L. Smith. Edward Pulley (moderator)

EVERYBODY KILLS SOMEBODY SOMETIME –- It might be hard to kill off a beloved character in your story, and it’s probably even harder to throw out the whole story; but if it ain’t working, what alternative do you have?
Fri 5p-6p, Avondale 4. Gini Koch (moderator), Jeff Mariotte

FINDING THE STORY -- New York Times Bestselling author Michael A. Stackpole takes you through a series of exercises that will let you build a story from the barest spark through twists and turns. He’ll give you several story recipes and show you how you can work from them to create delightfully complex and engrossing stories.
Sat 11a-1p, Boardroom. Michael Stackpole

PARANORMAL ROMANCE –- This genre has taken off like a proverbial rocket since 2000 and shows no sign of slowing. Romance readers have shown they are voracious but how does the writer attract new readers from the SF/F genre? How should a writer structure a story to target both groups and is that even possible?
Sat 7p-8p, Avondale 4. Sue Martin, Erin Quinn, Sharon Skinner. Edward Pulley (moderator)

POINT OF VIEW & PACING -- When is a roving point of view desirable? What advantages does Omniscient Author offer vs the viewpoint of the main character? Does pacing drive the scene or does the scene determine the pace? Is it worth trying something unexpected or will it alienate the reader?
Fri 6p-7p, Avondale 3. Gini Koch (moderator), Marsheila Rockwell, T.L. Smith

SHARED UNIVERSES AND FAN FIC -- Many respected authors do well in someone else’s playground: Michael Stackpole, Alan Dean Foster, Peter David – is there a secret to do it well? And does Fanfic respect the author’s property or is it an illegal parody?
Sat 2p-3p, Boardroom. Jeff Mariotte, Marsheila Rockwell, Michael Stackpole. Edward Pulley (moderator)

STRUCTURE OF A STORY –- A story has many moving parts: plot, characters, dialogue, setting. And each author tends to be strong in one or two; it’s hard to do them all equally well. How do you find your own strengths and maximize what you’re good at?
Sat 6p-7p, Avondale 3. Gini Koch, Michael Stackpole, Marsheila Rockwell. Edward Pulley (moderator)


TAX PLANNING FOR THE COMING ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE -- The U.S. stands on the precipice of a financial disaster, and Congress has done nothing but bicker. Of course, we refer to the coming day when the undead walk the earth, feasting on the living. A zombie apocalypse will create an urgent need for significant government revenues to protect the living, while at the same time rendering a large portion of the taxpaying public dead or undead. The government’s failure to anticipate or plan for this eventuality could cripple its ability to respond effectively, putting us all at risk.
Sat 8p-9p, Avondale 4. Adam Chodorow

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